These are the basics and things that the mounts do summarize in this one guide for your viewing and helpful pleasure!
The Turkey
How It Acts
The way it acts is, It constantly walks left to right and constantly does so. The Turkey when first getting tamed will run left and right rapidly, Until you see red hearts and then you tamed it! When tamed it will then just sit still, Waiting for you to hop on it again. When it attacks it will headbutt one tile kind of like your whip. it also has a double jump and can hover if you hold down the jump button.
Cooking The Turkey
While walking with the turkey if it’s exposed to any fire/explosion it will turn into A cooked turkey! If you touch it you gain back 1 heart!
Yang The Turkey Gatherer when you are in the Dwelling and you see Turkeys that lets you know yang is in that level. I won’t go too deep into Yang’s AI but he is traveling to collect 3 turkeys. When you first see him he will already have 1 turkey, That means every level there are 2 other turkeys each. So if you drop them in his cage, he will give you a silver key to his basement, and inside maybe containers or chests full of riches. Also when you go into Valcona or the jungle you will see yang selling the turkey’s somewhere on 2-1
The Rock Dog
How it Acts
The Rock Dog when not tamed will (if you’re in its line of sight AKA on the same tile) will shoot a fireball that does 1 heart to you but does fire damage. It can also double jump but with no effect after. When Tamed you have the choice to make the rock dog shoot a fire projectile out of its mouth. Rock Dog is also fireproof.
The Axolotl
How it Acts
The axolotl when not tamed will slowly walk left and right occasionally. If it sees you it acts like the rock dog but instead, it will shoot a bubble! When it does shoot this bubble it will trap you all the way until you a wall or anything touches you.
When Tamed you can control when it shoots bubbles. Also, a quick note is, The bubble never does damage so you can’t kill anything and you can only lift it in the air. When jumping it gets a double jump but if you press jump one more time the axolotl will teleport. And if you were wondering yes you can telefrag. The way the teleport works is like a tele-pack but with a double jump.
The Qilin
How It Acts
Qilin is automatically tamed when hatching out of the Ushabti and automatically waits for you to hop on to it. It can double jump but with no effect. But it can shoot fireballs that are a bit faster than Rock Dog’s fireball.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Spelunky 2 guide. This guide was originally created and written by JTopper10. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.