I have recently noticed an influx of new players into Hell Let Loose (HLL) and that’s wonderful! I’m actually excited to be playing with new faces and making new experiences with all of you. Every role is different in HLL, and some roles are fundamentally more important than others (Such as support putting down supplies for a garrison, or an engineer building resource nodes for the commander.) Some of you new folks have chosen to play Squad Lead. And that is amazing! However, I thought I would help out a bit so you can improve.
The Very Basics
Firstly, Squad Leads are of utmost importance to the team. They communicate what other squads are doing and what the Commander is doing. To do this effectively, using your mic is the best option. The ‘X’ key talks in command chat. This is only accessible to Squad Leads and the Commander. Regular squad mates won’t be able to hear anything that goes on in this chat, that is why you must communicate back and forth with your squad and other squad leads to see what’s going on. The ‘C’ key talks in squad chat. Only YOUR squad can hear you, nothing else.
This is effective for telling your squad where you want them to go, or what you want them to do. I.E., if you need supplies you can tell NewbSlayer9000 to go support and place supplies at Lumber Yard. So on and so forth. Lastly, the ‘V’ key is local chat. Only the people around you, excluding the enemy, can hear what you’re saying. The farther away you get from a person, the quieter you’ll be, and if you face away from them you’ll be quieter and so will they.
Taking the Lead
Secondly, DO NOT BE AFRAID TO TELL YOUR SQUAD WHAT TO DO. There’s a common mistake between Leading and Commanding. The Squad LEAD must be with his squad, and it’s expected that the squad must do the same. There are a few exceptions, such as if the SL and the supplies or engineer are going to build nodes somewhere or set up a garrison.
In that case, the SL will need to tell the squad they are doing so, and give them an assignment that the SL will shortly join them in. I hate SL’s that sit back and do and try and boss their squad around. Be a part of them, joke around with them in squad chat and local chat. It’s nice to form some sort of friendliness with anyone you can on your team. No one likes an asshole, but if there is one in your squad, don’t be afraid to kick them, or ignore them. Also, if your squadmates aren’t listening, tell them up to 3 times what to do, and make sure you type it in chat. If they still don’t do it, then kick them. Yes, it might be rude, but you did your part, and that rogue squad member isn’t.
Command Chat and Attacking/Defending
Thirdly, command chat is the best place to know what the hell is going on. Things get hectic in Hell Let Loose quite often. Sometimes you might roll a team, or they might roll you. But it’s never too late to turn the tide. Unless of course there are 2 minutes left in a match. Usually, 1 squad will stay and defend the point closest to the enemy. Other squads will attack, or try and get garrisons up to flank or get a solid frontline up.
A. If you are defending here’s what you need to do as an SL. If you have support or you have a squad member willing to go support, drop supplies and get a garrison up ASAP. If there’s one already, get a garrison above and below the objective(will not always be North=Up and South=Down) that way if you lose that garrison on the point directly, you have ways to get the point back. ALSO, if you start getting overrun, make sure to tell command chat that you are, and you need help. Ask for a recon plane, or plead for more squads to come back and help defend. Also, make sure to put your Outpost or OP down. They have a shorter spawn time and you can place them without supplies.
B. If you are attacking here’s what you need to do as an SL. Have your squad stick with you and chose a side to attack from. If you’re attacking the ‘X’ point then maybe communicate that you will be pushing south on it, and tell command chat that as well. If you’d like, get support from your squad and a friendly squad and get a garrison up in the enemy territory. Somewhere not far off the beaten path, but not 2 feet from the frontline. Somewhere in a location where you won’t get shot, such as a trench or behind a building with cover around it. Open fields and wide-open areas are a no-go for garrison placements. BTW, if the commander tells you there’s a bombing run coming in, make sure to GTFO because that will mess the area up.
Fourthly, This goes along with my 2nd point, but if you don’t have a mic as an SL, then make sure you are typing like a madman in the chat. SLing with a mic makes your life and everyone else’s life a lot easier. I would dare even say that it’s a requirement, but it isn’t if you’re willing to type like a madman and you know your squad can read it.
Ask for Help
My fifth and final point, if it is your first time playing as SL or you’re not sure what to do as a role, ask! Everyone is willing to help out, especially high ranks. Im a level 61, but ive seen people in the 200s and beyond. It doesn’t hurt to ask, and it also doesn’t hurt to try! If you get yelled at, just tell them you need help or its your first time.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Hell Let Loose guide. This guide was originally created and written by Porkinchaps. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.