Max experience guide for the first act of the game that includes Gift Bags and Four Relics of Rivellon questlines.
This guide is mostly aimed at Solo Tactician/Honour run, but it could help your Classic or Explorer party run if you got lost or don’t know what to do. I listed which NPC’s give XPp when they are killed or persuaded and compared which one gives more XP. You can use Ctrl + f to search their names or search persuasion to see which NPC’s give XP when they are persuaded.
Even if you missed a couple of things you can still reach level 10 if you follow this guide, this was written for a Solo Honour run in mind so you can change the order of things according to your playstyle. If you have questions about this guide ask me in the comments.
SPOILER WARNING! The rest of the guide includes spoilers for Act 1
The Merryweather
- Make all magisters hostile and let Windego kill them: 975 xp
- Story event: 400 xp
- Kill Magister Siwan: 100 xp
- Kill Source Hound: 25 xp
- Kill Magister Murtof and Magister Ricks: 200 xp
- Go to top deck as an undead: 100 xp
- iscous Voidlings: 200 xp
Level 2
- Kill Captain Kalwyn and Magister Knight: 200 xp
- Void Hatchlings: 300 xp
- Story event: 800 xp
Total: 3,300 xp
Fort Joy – Beach
- Kill Viscous Voidlings: 200 xp
- Kill Freshly Buried Corpse: 100 xp
- Enter Hidden Alcove: 300 xp
- Talk to Coral with Mystic, Scholar or Jester tag: 100 xp
- Kill Unnis: 425 xp
- Kill Elf Herbalist ( Herb Gardens Gift Bag ): 150 xp
- Kill Void-Touched Turtles: 700 xp
Total: 5,275 xp
Fort Joy Ghetto
Sneak into Fort joy without triggering Atusa event.
- Kill Ralvo, Slug and Battletop: 750 XP
- Stand beside the elf and tell the thug to back off: 900 XP
- Kill Elodi: 550 XP
- Kill Kana and Buro: 500 XP
- Enter Fort Joy – Dungeons: 600 XP
Level 3
- Discover Arena of Fort Joy: 300 XP
- Enter Underground Tunnel: 500 XP
- Give alcohol to Doctor Leste and Heal Dain: 750 XP
- Enter Forgotten Cell: 725 XP
- Free Withermoore: 1.200 XP
- Get Drudane from Stingtail: 250 XP
- Give Drudane to Griff: 1.450 XP
- Free Amyro: 850 XP
- Go back to Stingtail and kill Silence 1.000 XP
- Talk to Stingtail after you save him: 600 XP
- Kill Narin: 600 XP
- Kill Margo: 125 XP
- Kill: Saam & Baladir: 500 XP
- Kill Septa the Ineffable: 200 XP
- Discover crocs: 300 XP
- Kill Saltwater Crocodiles: 375 XP
- Tell Gawin you have the teleporter: 600 XP
- Kill Waltz: 500 XP
- Kill Patrolman Kraus: 800 XP
Level 4
- Kill Source Hound Gracie: 200 XP
- Go back to the beach and find Viper’s Tongue: 600 XP
- Teleport Gawin: 1.200 XP
- Kill Gawin: 200 XP
- Make Dallis retreat and kill hostile units (you can use a deathfog barrel): 9.800 XP
- Kill Vissar: 500 XP
- Kill Myra: 250 XP
- Enter frogs cavern: 375 XP
- Kill Amphibians: 1.800 XP
- Discover Mody’s Fort: 300 XP
- Talk to Rulah: 600 XP
- The Murderous Gheist: 600 XP
- Kill Migo and Magister Yarrow: 1.800 XP
- Kill Kalias: 500 XP
- Kill Doctor Leste: 250 XP
- Kill Stingtail: 500 XP
- Kill Griff’s gang except Butter: 2.225 XP
Level 5
- Kill Butter: 500 XP
- Arena of Fort Joy: 1.625 XP
- Kill Arena Audience: 3400 XP
- Discover Orivand’s Chamber: 800 XP
- Discover and read Dwarven customs & Traditions: 50 XP
- Kill Magister Holind, Magister Alise, Source Hound Hicka: 1.800 XP
Total: 50,075 XP
Fort Joy – Dungeons
- Find Simple Pendant: 600 XP
- Kill Verdas: 75 XP
- Magister Houndmaster Fight: 2.475 XP
- Save Delorus for Act 3
- Discover Ancient Passage: 800 XP
- Kill Undead Guardians: 2.000 XP
- Bring Withermoore’s Soul Jar to him and decide to keep it: 3.000 XP
- Kill Fire Slugs: 3.600 XP
- Kill 7 Silent Monks: 1.400 XP
- Kill Magister Goa and Magister Carin: 1.600 XP
- Kill everyone in Kniles the Flenser’s room: 4.600 XP
Level 6
- Finding Emmie 2.200 XP
- Kill Source Hounds: 500 XP
- Discover Houndmaster’s room: 800 XP
- Free Birdie ( Pet Pal ): 1.000 XP
- Talk to Birdie with persuasion: 1.400 XP
- (Return to Fort Joy Ghetto)
- High Judge Orivand Fight: 5.000 XP
- Save Paladin Cork and Kill Magister Trippel: 6.800 XP
- Magister Dayya and subordinates: 5.000 XP
- Leave Fort Joy: 14.400 XP
Total: 107,325 XP
The Hollow Marshes
- Kill Source Hound Thulnir: 200 XP
- Kill Windego: 900 XP
- Find Tracks of the Tyrant: 1.500 XP
- Decomposing Undeads 1st wave: 800 XP
- Decomposing Undeads 2nd wave: 800 XP
- Viscous Voidlings Ambush: 13.000 XP
Level 7
- Discover Sanctuary of Amadia: 1.500 XP
- Heal the Wounded: 4.500 XP
- Kill Void Salamanders: 1.700 XP
- Discover Vault of Braccus Rex: 2.525 XP
- Trompdoy Fight 1: 3.600 XP
- Answer Statue of Illusion’s riddle: 2.950 XP
- Trompdoy Fight 2: 10.575 XP
- Destroy Trompdoy’s soul jar: 4.200 XP
- The Gargoyle’s Maze: 4.200 XP
- Kill Incandescent undeads: 1.275 XP
- Kill the Historian: 425 XP
- Kill Necromancer Tamsyn, Gwick, Rask: 3.375 XP
- Destroy their soul jars: 4.200 XP
Level 8
- Kill Zombie: 725 XP
- Find The Devourer’s Claws: 25 XP
- Find Hands of the Tyrant: 2.950 XP
- Kill Magisters and Save Gareth:13.100 XP
- Kill Magister Sang: 1.700 XP
- Open Armory of Braccus Rex: 300 XP
- Enter Armory of Braccus Rex: 2.100 XP
- Find Corrupted Tyrant’s Helm: 900 XP
- Kill Tarlene: 1.200 XP
- Voidwoken Deep-Dweller Fight: 6.350 XP
- Bless The Burning Pigs: 3.000 XP
- Kill the pigs: 200 XP each and as long as you let one live, Feder will be available (800 or 1.000 XP)
- Use persuasion on Scapor: 3.000 XP
- Tell Gareth you have a weapon that could destroy the Shriekers: 5.600 XP
- Kill Leya: 2250 XP
- Kill Krylr the Kettlegrinder: 1.700 XP
Total: 215,250 XP (+200 if you kill all the pigs but it’s not recommended)
Abandoned Camp
- Kill Magister Loke: 1.700 XP
- Kill Bear Cub: 425 XP
- Kill Magister Ames: 2.250 XP
- Either give Gratiana her soul jar or break it: 4.200 XP
- Discover Radeka’s cave: 2.100 XP
- Radeka the Witch Fight: 4.675 XP
- Offer Radeka’s Purging Wand to Slane: 2.100 XP
- Kill Slane the Winter Dragon: 6.000 XP
- Kill Ymmit: 2.250 XP
Level 9
- Kill Klaud: 1.500 XP
- Kill Jules: 1.200 XP
- Kill Deidara of the Four Sisters (Sourcerous Sundries Gift Bag): 425 XP
- Kill Duggan: 2.250 XP
- Kill Matis: 2.250 XP
- Kill Simone: 2.250 XP
- Kill Kerban: 2.250 XP
- Kill Samadel 2.250 XP
- Alexander and Voidwoken Drillworm Fight: 37.925 XP
- Kill Nebora: 125 XP
- Kill Zaleskar: 2.900 XP
Total: 296,275 XP
Four Relics Objectives
Other objectives are already listed.
- Speak with Voice of Flames in Orivand’s Chamber: 25 XP
- Help Daeyena fight Magisters: 50 XP
- Eat contaminated magister’s Foot as Elf: 25 XP
- Find Odd Skeletal Arm: 25 XP
- Find Cursed Chest: 25 XP
- Find Captain’s Hideout: 50 XP
Total: +200 XP
The Lady Vengeance
- Board the boat: 10.800 XP
- Kill Maeve: 2.900 XP
- Kill Exter: 2.250 XP
- Kill Dallis’ Assistants: 1.450 XP
- Kill Magister Ranley: 2.250 XP
- Enter Dallis’ Stateroom: 3.600 XP
- Kill Skeletal cat: 200 XP
- Discover Secret Room 3.600 XP
You can do this fight in multiple ways, this is the way I did it.
- Kill Silent Monk: 725 XP
- Force Dallis to retreat: 3.600 XP
- Story event: 18.000 XP
Level 10
- Story event: 18.000 XP
Total: 363,850 XP
Obtaining the listed above experience will let you reach level 10 before starting act 2 of the game.
That's everything we are sharing today for this Divinity: Original Sin 2 guide. This guide was originally created and written by GothNoir. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.