Welcome to this detailed tutorial, which will show you how to acquire all of the accomplishments in the game “Acid Spy” in the most efficient way possible. The game has seven levels: Facility, Purple Shift, Safe Haven, Trust, Project Nova, Volcano, and Core.
Throughout this guide, I will present strategic ideas on how to reach the goals as soon as feasible, categorizing them according to the respective levels. It’s important to remember that each level is divided into various “zones,” and I’ll specifically state where specific achievements can be acquired.
While I may not have explicitly mentioned achievements for Project Nova or Volcano, completion of these levels is required in order to obtain certain achievements.
Now that all of the preliminary steps have been completed, let us go on the thrilling path of obtaining these milestones in Acid Spy!
Acid Spy Achievement Guide
Are You Winning Son?
Complete the game on hard difficulty.
You do not need to have completed the game once to play it on hard difficulties. Even if you’re just starting off, you can play on Hard.
Toggling the Hard difficulty is as simple as going to Options -> Misc -> Difficulty -> Hard.
We’re finally set to begin the game!
Floor Is Lava
Do seven consecutive walljumps.
These two pillars can be found in the initial zone of this level.
After you’ve killed all of the guards, stand against one of the pillars and stare at the other, then charge forward and spam jump a bunch. There is no problem if you reach the limit. Continue doing so until the achievement appears.
It’s also possible to find it on the level Purple Shift, between zones 1 and 2.
Four For Four
Kill 4 enemies within 4 seconds.
When you enter the second zone, go to this location. Be aware that a guard may be on his way inside, so wait for him for a moment before jumping and staying on the X until he emerges.
When he does, wait until he’s close to the second pillar and headshot him. From here, you must make numerous left turns. Remember to be as exact and quick as possible.
Kill the guard on his way to these cubes:
Then there’s the guy on the opposite platform:
Finally, there’s the person walking down below:
Now comes the crucial moment. This achievement takes a bit to display, at least for me, so please wait 5 to 10 seconds. If it does not appear, try again.
Flying Menace
Kill two enemies while airbourne.
Head right in the third zone of this level and kill the first guard. Take cautious not to let the body fall to the floor below.
Then you’ll need to perform the following leaps to get into position:
If you completed the preceding stages quickly enough, you’ll find these two guards roughly in the following positions:
This is the crucial portion.
Jump and shoot Guard #2 (I found it easier to fire him at the highest point of the jump). Head backwards to Guard #1 and drop attack him while in the air. Wait 2 to 5 seconds for the achievement to show.
The good news is that if you fail at any time, you can resume that zone by pressing “R” and, in this case, you won’t lose much progress because the checkpoint is nearby.
Zero Deaths
Complete a level without dying on hard difficulty.
This one is rather self-explanatory. You’ll have to replay Facility from the beginning. From the moment you spawn till you push the button at the end.
Here are some pointers on how to get it:
Rushing is the quickest way to die. Take your time and make good use of the sonar (E).
A retry does not count as a death, but if you are killed at any moment, you must restart the level.
If you’re unsure how many times you’ve died (if any), you can check the Esc option at the bottom. You’re doing fine if you have “Deaths: 00.” Restart the level if necessary.
Knife To A Gunfight
Complete a level using only your knife on hard difficulty.
Now comes the difficult part. You most likely shot someone at least once, and you most certainly did if you acquired Flying Menace. As a result, you must retry Facility with the knife exclusively.
Clear a zone without killing anyone by disabling all enemy transmitters on hard difficulty.
The most important aspect of this award is that you CANNOT KILL ANYONE. You must deactivate the transmitter on each guard’s back. Simply hit F to deactivate it.
Follow in his footsteps. I recommend that you wait for a few minutes until he deactivates a hostile transmitter, then repeat the process and pause to continue viewing the movie.
Continue doing so until you have obtained the achievement.
Complete a level without alerting anyone on hard difficulty.
You should be very comfortable with the layout after spending so much time on this level. You might also utilize V-Man’s instructions for this achievement, albeit being a pacifist is no longer required. You’re fine as long as you hide the bodies and stay out of sight of the guards.
You can see how many times there has been an alert, similar to Zero Deaths. It may appear like you’ve been detected at times, so don’t hit R too hastily. Simply look at the Esc menu.
If it shows “Alerts: 00”, you’re doing fantastic!
Gotta Go Fast
Reach a horizontal speed of 14 m/s.
This is a difficult one.
You’ve probably noticed that if you slip and then jump, you get a small boost. Our plan for achieving this goal is to do so on a regular basis.
The disadvantage of this “technique” is that you must be accurate with your inputs. My advise is to experiment a few times and search for ways to make your inputs more consistent. How? I made use of the slide’s sound.
This can become somewhat abstract, but I’ll do my best to explain it. Given that the sound will always have the same duration while Slide is held down, you may mentally pace it so that when a particular amount of time has gone, you jump. You’ll need some practice with this, but you’ll get there.
Realistically, you can gain this achievement anyplace there are a lot of large open expanses to chain these slide-jumps, ideally after you’ve slain all the guards.
BUT BEWARE: If you go through a door, it will automatically close as you enter the next zone.
I achieved the achievement on the third zone, which somewhat contradicts what I previously wrote about open places. In either case, all you have to do is chain a few slide-jumps till you gain the accomplishment.
As far as I know, there is no way to display your speed in the HUD, thus you’ll have to attempt it often till it appears.
Kill an enemy with a laser trap.
The laser traps are added in this level. After all of your jumping, you’ll reach the first zone.
Ascend this ramp:
We’ll eliminate that passing guard. Jump where he leaves the “window” after he leaves.
All you have to do now is immediately activate the laser trap.
If you don’t jump to another window, you’ll most likely die (either by the trap or the guard), but don’t worry because you may have killed the guard with the trap (it’ll make a sound if you did).
To be certain, look at the Game Over screen for a few seconds. Retry if the accomplishment does not display.
Kill an enemy from a distance of 50 meters.
Despite the fact that Project Nova and the following levels have larger chambers, I opted to put this award on this level because it is the first time you may acquire it.
So, to access the second zone, use this door:
Kill the enemies in this room before passing through that door:
Finally, take out a passing guard here. Attempt to go as close to the wall as possible while maintaining visibility on that section of the map:
Then, after a few seconds, the achievement will show.
Throw a camera up on the X in Trust.
The enormous X will meet you when you enter the third zone.
Snipe the guard near the teleporter on the other side of the room without leaving the platform you’re on, then glance below.
Shoot the camera and the guard will pause, giving you the opportunity to drop attack him. After that, select the camera by pressing F. You can use the same key to throw it.
The camera must land on top of the X and remain there for this objective to be completed.
You may leap and throw it from below:
Alternatively, on top of one of the pillars carrying the X:
Remember to jump no matter what. It may take a few attempts, but don’t worry about the guards; they won’t enter that chamber.
Saving A Friend
Find the secret zone in Core.
After defeating all of the guards in the second zone, proceed through this door near the exit:
Shoot the camera and do these jumps:
Then you’ll reach the mysterious room.
Secret Stash
Find the hidden ammo refill in Core’s last zone.
When you first reach the final zone, you’ll notice a massive disco ball in the center of the area, surrounded by beams. Go there, but be cautious of the guards.
There will be a jump pad on the floor. It can be used to go between the “tower” and the massive disco ball.
Look through the hole in the centre to find the secret stash:
Are You Winning Son?
Complete the game on hard difficulty.
After disabling all of the beacons in the final zone (by shooting, knifing, or interacting with them), there will be a short cutscene followed by the closing credits, when you will gain the accomplishment if you followed the directions in the “Before Starting” section.
Speed Demon
Complete a level within two minutes on hard difficulty.
If you already have this accomplishment, then congrats! But, like most of us, you probably haven’t, so here’s our savior: The Dev Speedruns. Correct, by the creator himself.
These are his sub-2-minute speedruns. Choose the one you believe will be the simplest, and good luck!
That's everything we are sharing today for this Acid Spy guide. This guide was originally created and written by ILy. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.